Sunday, January 23, 2011

My first Blog Entry

Well so here I am joining the world of blogging a little late (wondering if my mom was going to have a blog before I do, but I beat her to it phew!). I decided to create a blog because of my constant need to tell the world how I feel about certain things, and since I can not start screaming in the middle of the street or in my job (god forbid) I will do it here. Which got me thinking, why do we as a generation 2000's kid have the need to constantly tell the world how we feel? By generation 2000's I mean all of us who where well um, adults during last decade and continue to do so (I will not put an age number in it to not create controversy). Our generation, the older generations say, is glued to phones, computers and the constant thought of us being the center of attention, but it wasn't us who marched in front of governement buildings trying to speak our minds (the 60's) or decided to wear the weirdest and outrageous clothes and hairstyles to make a statement (the 80's), or god forbid created a technology so we can all communicate better (the 90's). In the 2010's decade we blog, we have radars to meet people, we sext and we share VIDEOS online to make each other smile or - mad. Having said that my blog will make people mad and smile at the same time, and altough I am very blessed with my life I have a lot to say that needs to leave my brain as it is crowded enough in there right now...Having said that, todays thought was just to make a statement that our generation is just trying to communicate in their own way, but I might add with an addition of that sexual liberation touch (the 60's, 70's), Outrageous 'I don't care what you think' attitude (The 80's) , the need to SAY something (the 90's) and who can forget the little touch of guilt against human rights (the last century).

So are we doing good? I might say so, never before have we seen the liberation of information like now (Wikileaks), the gay/womeninthemiddleeast/animal rights expand, and the need of religion to NEVER be a state matter. We still need to do more to understand that really we all live in the same house, and everybody is to clean their own room without messing with your roomates, and that my friends is the only way we can continue leasing our Blue home.


  1. WTF - you are a blogger now.. whooohoo

  2. Seré Fan #1 te adoro! #tumuybien

  3. pensando seriamente en seguir tus pasos de blog... admirandote cada dia mas... te adoro, moyini :)

  4. Moginy tienes mucho que decir que queremos oir TE ADOROOO

  5. Well put Santi. I'm impressed.:)<3<3<3


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